A Major Life Lesson from Hashirama Senju!

Aayush Arora
5 min readJul 13, 2016


Hashirama Senju, or the First Hokage, as fondly called by Naruto fans all over the world, is not just an anime character, but if you care to look up, is pure inspiration!

This article is written keeping in mind the fans who watch Naruto, those who are planning to and even those who don’t. I have made sure that there are No Spoilers or Naruto jargon which may prevent either new and non followers to learn from Hashirama.

When the Naruto series begin, one can see his face carved above the village, along with other Hokages (village leaders) and he is revered as the God of Shinobi. He is shown to be the one who found the leaf village and is now long deceased, generations ago.

Although he was briefly shown in a fight when the leaf village was attacked by Orochimaru (bad guy), it’s only much later that his true personality is shown, when Orochimaru (ooh I promised no spoilers!) yet again summons him to the living realm.

This time, we get to bask in the personality of who Hashirama truly is and boy it’s exhilarating! I’ll talk from the point of view of someone who is just being introduced to Hashirama and has only heard legendary tails about him, just like Suigetsu (a character) looks at him in the scene where he is summoned again. Look at the images below for a lil perspective.

Summoned Hokages. Hashirama, first from left.
Orochimaru and Suigetsu

One would imagine the First Hokage, God of Shinobi, to be a power to reckon with, a strong presence and a serious personality.

But when you get to look at him for the first time, he is goofy, funny and very lighthearted! I wouldn’t lie, I was myself shocked and a little disappointed!

Some images of goofy Hashirama and Suigetsu’s reaction:

Goofy Hashirama while other Hokages stand seriously.
Hashirama being asked to shut up by younger brother.
I and Suigetsu shared the same first reaction.

Even when one may say that he was being insulted by his little brother, he takes it lightly and doesn’t make a fuss about it, even when he is the God of Shinobi!

But as soon as you fall for the laughs and lighthearted personality, he shows his serious side, as the situation demands.

Hashirama orders his little brother this time. He complies.
I and Suigetsu share the reaction again! 😅

To see the video clip: https://youtu.be/rIFknvVQZyA

As I venture, the reason for him being humorous, funny and even letting the insults go is that he knows who he is. He knows the respect that he commands and knows that his respect wouldn’t be tarnished by a mere taunt.

Unlike a LOT of people today, he is not insecure about his place in the world or his skills. Everybody knows who’s the boss and he doesn’t need to flaunt his power at all.

Him being humble and easy going only shows his strength and his well deserved fame. I learn that a truly powerful man doesn’t need protect or show off at all.

If you ever decide to watch the episodes that show how he became who he is, you will have nothing but respect for him. He never really coveted power, he just wanted to help, to understand and be human. And all his life, he did what was best for all.

Today we see celebrities, professors and businessmen getting riled up when somebody says a word against them. Are we truly becoming intolerant? I think so.

Keep the celebrities aside, each one of us has an ego that is larger than that of Hashirama and we get so fierce protecting it, we lose friendships, opportunities and worst of all, inner peace.

I learn from Hashirama to have a dream of being human, to become capable of helping your family and even people around you and to leave the world a better place. I learn to have patience enough to work hard to realize that dream and never give up!

Also, I learn that you should not stop until you have become SUCH a powerful presence in your field that your followers begin to weave legends behind your back and feel a sense of relief when they see you coming to their aid. :)

Hashirama joins the battle alongside his fellow Shinobi!
Fellow Shinobi, reassured and instantly elated to see him! :)

And most importantly, I learn to subdue my ego, for it’s of no real use and only shows how much we lack and crave respect. Only a miser is worried about pennies being stolen.

The aim is to do your best and respect, money and dreams would follow.

I just realized how intolerant I had become.

Do you take away something from this article? You don’t need to tell me, I am just glad I could help, if I did. :)

I can write so much about Hashirama but I wanted to focus only on this particular learning in this article. What did you think?



Aayush Arora

Author of “Student Entrepreneurship” | Performance Marketing Head @ Testbook. Get my Book here: https://www.amazon.in/Student-Entrepreneurship-Passion-Learn-Car